Popping Blog Cherry

Read my first blog ever! I’ll introduce you to what I intend on blogging about.

A Long Overdue Update

I have a bad habit of dropping things I enjoy doing. I do the same with reading, drawing, watching certain shows, etc. I fell off from my blogging world for far too long. I apologize. I often lose interest, or perhaps just the will to continue to do the things I love. I don’t know…

Why Do I Blog?

I wanted to explore this topic in today’s blog. I’m not entirely sure why I blog; all I know is I’ve always enjoyed writing. That had to be my best subject all through school, and most of my favorite teachers happen to be english or literature teachers/professors. I know I don’t have a huge audience,…

I’m Back!

Hey so lately it’s been hard to write. I don’t know how to explain it other than depression. It makes it hard to continue to do the things I love, but I’m trying to make myself do those things more again. I apologize if my writing seems to be trash. I don’t know about you,…

Weekly Post: Changin’ It Up; June 17, 2019

So Thursdays just weren’t working for me… there’s too much scheduling conflict. I’m not entirely sure why, but I’m always super busy on Thursdays. SOOO MONDAYS IT IS! Today I’m doing absolutely nothing, so it seemed the perfect time to fill everyone in on the events around me. Father’s Day weekend was a success. James…

Late Weekly Post: June 9, 2019

WARNING: Lacking in Entertainment HOLY HELL. I’m so sorry for the oh so very late “weekly post.” Thursday (my weekly blog days) came and went. I kept promising to do it the next day and never got around to it. Oh well. I guess life happens. I sincerely apologize. I honestly haven’t been in a…

Weekly: Hopelessly Hopeful

I’ve been waiting a week to write this blog. A blog that I could either be so so so happy to write, and be absolutely ecstatic about, or one that I’d dread. Unfortunately it’s a dreadful one. This morning was the day I’d set for myself to take a pregnancy test. I’m not sure how…

Memorial Day: Why am I so Hungry?

Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave… O’er the land of the free… and the home of the BRAVE? Happy Memorial Day everyone. Today was pretty uneventful for me. I hung out with my best friend momentarily, then played some Red Dead Redemption 2. I LOVE THAT GAME. I’m literally obsessed. I’m also…

Weekly Post May 23, 2019

A weekly post where I talk about anything and everything. It’s a post to keep me active. As long as I post AT LEAST once a week, I’ll be on here more often. I’ve already been on here a lot more than I ever have before. I have to say I’m really enjoying it so…

Nausea… YUCK

I’ve been sick off and on for a couple of weeks. Over the past week it has become much more frequent. I’m talking, waking up sick and going to bed sick. I don’t know what’s causing it, and it’s starting to really frustrate me. I wake up and I might feel fine for an hour…

My Month Away

It was two days after my wedding. It wasn’t even a full 48 hours and I was 600 miles away from my new husband. The next five weeks would be the longest I had ever been away from him since getting together with him. It was a LONG 5 weeks, and I felt like crying…